Delaware R/C Club Newsletter                    June 2003


 Editors:                     Carl Hauger                 302-322-8580 

                                    Ryan Jamison             302-234-8645 

 Co-Publisher:           John Kirchstein          302-731-2831 

 President:                 Mark Weiss                856-241-0378 

 Vice President:         Tony Albence            302-654-8171 

 Secretary:                 Ryan Jamison             302-234-8645 

 Treasurer:                 Dick Stewart                302-368-2911 

 Safety Officer           Jay Greene                   302-738-5256 



Next Club Meeting: Tuesday, June 3, 2003, 7:30 p.m.

Location: Lums Pond Flying Field

50/50 Raffle

Program Topics – TBA


Next Major Event: Fun Scale Contest

Saturday, June 14, 2003

Contact: Tony Albence

NOTE: The Next 3 Meetings Will Be Held At The Lums Pond Flying Field


We have heard that Frank Noll will likely be flying at the New Garden Airshow on Sunday, June 1. Come out and watch! There is a rumor that he might also visit our field on May 31.



Secretary’s Scratchings

The minutes of the May Club meeting were not received in time for printing in this issue. They will be presented at the June Club meeting.



New Field Rule – Attention All Pilots!

This is a rerun of the notice that appeared in last month’s newsletter:

With the dramatic increase in campers at the Lums Pond campground and the close proximity of the Lums Pond Flying Field to the campground, complaints about aircraft noise have been on the increase. In a proactive move to retain the superb flying field that has served us so well for over thirty years, the Park management and the Club Board have jointly agreed to the following new park rule:

Effective May 1, 2003, all model aircraft flying at Lums Pond State Park R/C Flying Field is restricted to:

1) electric power ONLY (internal combustion engines prohibited) after 6 P.M. on Fridays, Saturdays, and the nights before major holidays.

2) during the electric-only restricted periods, flight patterns that do not extend South of the North/South runway, or over the tree line from the midpoint of the North/South runway and to the South of that midpoint.

Questions should be addressed to the Manager of Lums Pond State Park and to the Officers of the Delaware R/C Club.

Park rangers will be directed to enforce this new rule, and to also enforce park permit and flying insurance (AMA membership) requirements.



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Text Box: Inside this issue:
Important NEW Field Rule
Summer Club Meeting Location
Frank Noll at Lums Pond
Fun Scale Contest June 14th
Some Pin Restrictions June 15th